How to Download ESPT PPh Final Terbaru (Latest Version)
If you are a taxpayer in Indonesia, you may be familiar with ESPT PPh Final, an electronic tax reporting application for income tax final. This application allows you to prepare and submit your tax report online, saving you time and hassle. But did you know that there is a new version of ESPT PPh Final available? In this article, we will show you how to download ESPT PPh Final terbaru (latest version), what are the changes in this version, and how to use it effectively.
What is ESPT PPh Final?
ESPT PPh Final is an application developed by the Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) of Indonesia to facilitate the reporting of income tax final by taxpayers. Income tax final is a type of income tax that applies to certain types of income, such as rental income, dividends, interest, royalties, prizes, or lottery winnings. Income tax final is calculated based on a fixed percentage of the gross income, regardless of expenses or deductions.
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ESPT PPh Final allows you to create, edit, save, print, and submit your tax report electronically using a digital signature. You can also import data from other sources, such as e-SPT Masa or e-Faktur. By using ESPT PPh Final, you can enjoy several benefits, such as:
Reducing errors and omissions in your tax report
Improving accuracy and compliance with tax regulations
Simplifying and speeding up the tax reporting process
Receiving confirmation and feedback from DGT
Accessing your tax report history anytime
What are the changes in the latest version of ESPT PPh Final?
The latest version of ESPT PPh Final is version, which was released on January 11th, 2023. This version is an update from the previous version, which was released on December 1st, 2016. The main changes in this version are:
The adjustment of personal income tax rates and calculations according to Law No. 7 of 2021 on Harmonization of Tax Regulations. This law revises the progressive tax rates for individual taxpayers from four layers to five layers, as follows:
LayerTaxable IncomeTax Rate
1Up to Rp60 million5%
2Rp60 million - Rp250 million15%
3Rp250 million - Rp500 million25%Rp500 million - Rp5 billion30%
4Above Rp5 billion35%
The addition of a new feature to generate a summary report of income tax final for the whole year. This feature allows you to view and print the total amount of income, tax, and payment for each type of income tax final in one document.
The improvement of the user interface and the performance of the application. This includes fixing some bugs, enhancing the security, and adding some validations and notifications.
It is recommended that you download and use the latest version of ESPT PPh Final to ensure that your tax report is in accordance with the current tax regulations and that you can enjoy the new features and benefits.
How to download ESPT PPh Final terbaru?
To download ESPT PPh Final terbaru, you need to follow these steps:
Go to the official website of DGT at .
Click on the menu "Layanan" and then select "e-SPT".
Scroll down to the section "ESPT PPh Final" and click on the link "Download Aplikasi".
You will be redirected to a new page where you can see the details and requirements of ESPT PPh Final terbaru. Click on the button "Download Aplikasi" at the bottom of the page.
A pop-up window will appear asking you to save the file. Choose a location on your computer where you want to save the file and click "Save". The file name is "" and the size is 18.7 MB.
Once the download is complete, locate the file on your computer and extract it using a zip extractor program. You will see a folder named "ESPT_PPh_Final_2500" containing several files.
Open the folder and double-click on the file named "Setup.exe" to start the installation process.
Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation. You may need to agree to the terms and conditions, choose a destination folder, and create a shortcut icon.
After the installation is finished, you can launch ESPT PPh Final terbaru by clicking on the shortcut icon on your desktop or by going to the destination folder and opening the file named "ESPT_PPh_Final.exe".
Congratulations, you have successfully downloaded ESPT PPh Final terbaru!
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How to use ESPT PPh Final terbaru?
To use ESPT PPh Final terbaru, you need to follow these steps:
Launch ESPT PPh Final terbaru by clicking on the shortcut icon on your desktop or by going to the destination folder and opening the file named "ESPT_PPh_Final.exe".
You will see a login screen where you need to enter your username and password. If you don't have an account yet, you can register by clicking on the button "Registrasi" and filling out the registration form. You will need to provide your name, email, phone number, NPWP (tax identification number), and password. You will also need to activate your account by clicking on a link sent to your email.
After logging in, you will see the main screen of ESPT PPh Final terbaru. Here you can choose between two options: "Buat SPT Baru" or "Buka SPT Lama". The first option allows you to create a new tax report, while the second option allows you to open an existing tax report.
If you choose "Buat SPT Baru", you will need to select the type of income tax final that you want to report. There are six types of income tax final available: 4(2), 15(2), 17(2), 21(26), 23(26), and 26(26). Each type corresponds to a different article in the Income Tax Law that regulates it. For example, 4(2) refers to income tax final for rental income from land and/or buildings. You can hover over each type to see a brief description of it.
After selecting the type of income tax final, you will need to fill out some basic information about yourself, such as your name, NPWP, address, phone number, email, etc. You will also need to enter some information about your tax period, such as the year, the month, and the due date. You can also choose to use a digital signature or not. If you choose to use a digital signature, you will need to install a digital certificate on your computer and enter your PIN.
Next, you will need to fill out the details of your income and tax for each type of income tax final that you selected. You can enter the data manually or import it from other sources, such as e-SPT Masa or e-Faktur. You can also add, edit, delete, or copy the data as needed. You will see the amount of income, tax, and payment for each type of income tax final on the right side of the screen.
After filling out the data, you can preview and print your tax report by clicking on the button "Pratinjau dan Cetak". You can also save your tax report by clicking on the button "Simpan". You will need to choose a location and a file name for your tax report. The file name should follow the format "NPWP_TahunBulan_TipePPhFinal.SPT". For example, "012345678901234_202301_4(2).SPT".
To submit your tax report online, you need to click on the button "Kirim". You will see a confirmation message asking you to verify your data and agree to the terms and conditions. You will also need to enter your PIN if you use a digital signature. After clicking on the button "Ya", your tax report will be sent to DGT. You will receive a notification and a receipt number if your submission is successful.
Congratulations, you have successfully used ESPT PPh Final terbaru!
How to troubleshoot common issues with ESPT PPh Final?
Sometimes, you may encounter some issues when using ESPT PPh Final, such as error messages, data loss, or compatibility issues. Here are some possible solutions for these common problems:
If you see an error message saying "Aplikasi tidak dapat dijalankan karena tidak ditemukan file MSVCR100.dll", it means that your computer is missing a file that is required for ESPT PPh Final to run. To fix this, you need to download and install Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package from .
If you lose your data or your tax report file is corrupted, you can try to recover it by using the backup feature of ESPT PPh Final. To do this, you need to go to the menu "Bantuan" and then select "Backup/Restore Data". You will see a list of backup files that are stored in your computer. You can choose the backup file that matches your tax period and type of income tax final and click on the button "Restore". Your data will be restored to ESPT PPh Final.
If you have compatibility issues with ESPT PPh Final, such as not being able to open or run the application, you can try to run it in compatibility mode. To do this, you need to right-click on the shortcut icon or the file name of ESPT PPh Final and then select "Properties". You will see a tab named "Compatibility". Here you can check the box "Run this program in compatibility mode for" and choose a previous version of Windows that works with ESPT PPh Final, such as Windows 7 or Windows XP. You can also check the box "Run this program as an administrator" to give ESPT PPh Final more privileges.
If these solutions do not work or if you have other issues with ESPT PPh Final, you can contact DGT for technical support by phone at 1500200 or by email at .
In this article, we have shown you how to download ESPT PPh Final terbaru (latest version), what are the changes in this version, and how to use it effectively. We have also given you some tips on how to troubleshoot common issues with ESPT PPh Final. By using ESPT PPh Final terbaru, you can report your income tax final online easily and accurately. We hope that this article has been helpful and informative for you. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below.
Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about ESPT PPh Final terbaru:
What are the system requirements for ESPT PPh Final terbaru?The minimum system requirements for ESPT PPh Final terbaru are:
Operating system: Windows XP SP3 or higher
Processor: Pentium 4 or higher
Memory: 512 MB RAM or higher
Hard disk space: 100 MB or higher
Internet connection: Broadband or higher
Browser: Internet Explorer 8 or higher
Digital certificate: eFIN or eNPWP
How can I update my ESPT PPh Final to the latest version?If you already have ESPT PPh Final installed on your computer, you can update it to the latest version by following these steps:
Launch ESPT PPh Final and go to the menu "Bantuan" and then select "Update Aplikasi".
You will see a message asking you to confirm the update. Click on the button "Ya".
The application will download and install the latest version automatically. You will see a progress bar and a message indicating the status of the update.
After the update is complete, you will see a message saying "Update Aplikasi Berhasil". Click on the button "OK".
The application will restart and you can use the latest version of ESPT PPh Final.
How can I check the status of my tax report submission?To check the status of your tax report submission, you can follow these steps:
Launch ESPT PPh Final and go to the menu "Laporan" and then select "Status Pengiriman".
You will see a list of tax reports that you have submitted online using ESPT PPh Final. You can filter the list by year, month, type of income tax final, or receipt number.
You can see the status of each tax report submission in the column "Status". There are four possible statuses: "Belum Dikirim" (not sent), "Sedang Dikirim" (sending), "Terkirim" (sent), or "Gagal" (failed).
If your tax report submission is successful, you will see a green check mark and a receipt number in the column "No. Resi". You can click on the receipt number to view and print the receipt.
If your tax report submission is failed, you will see a red cross mark and an error code in the column "Kode Error". You can hover over the error code to see a brief description of the error. You can also click on the button "Lihat Detail" to see more details about the error and how to fix it.
How can I generate a summary report of income tax final for the whole year?To generate a summary report of income tax final for the whole year, you can follow these steps:
Launch ESPT PPh Final and go to the menu "Laporan" and then select "Rekapitulasi PPh Final Tahunan".
You will see a screen where you can enter some information about yourself, such as your name, NPWP, address, phone number, email, etc. You will also need to enter some information about your tax year, such as the year and the due date.
After entering the information, click on the button "Proses". The application will generate a summary report of income tax final for the whole year based on your tax reports that you have created or submitted using ESPT PPh Final.
You can preview and print your summary report by clicking on the button "Pratinjau dan Cetak". You can also save your summary report by clicking on the button "Simpan". You will need to choose a location and a file name for your summary report. The file name should follow the format "NPWP_Tahun_Rekap.SPT". For example, "012345678901234_2023_Rekap.SPT".
How can I uninstall ESPT PPh Final terbaru?To uninstall ESPT PPh Final terbaru, you can follow these steps:
Go to the Control Panel of your computer and click on the option "Programs and Features".
You will see a list of programs that are installed on your computer. Find and select "ESPT PPh Final" and click on the button "Uninstall".
You will see a confirmation message asking you to confirm the uninstallation. Click on the button "Yes".
The application will start the uninstallation process. You will see a progress bar and a message indicating the status of the uninstallation.
After the uninstallation is complete, you will see a message saying "Uninstall ESPT PPh Final Berhasil". Click on the button "OK".
The application will be removed from your computer.
I hope that this article has answered all your questions about ESPT PPh Final terbaru. If you have any other questions or suggestions, please leave a comment below. Thank you for reading! 44f88ac181